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The Adepticon Space Wolf Army Project: Update 4

End of Day UPDATE

Lost some time due to some problems with masking. My liquid mask did not work as intended. Don’t know why, but it didn’t and ruined some work and I had to do some stuff over again. Having said that, got all the Rhinos past Stage 1 painting and they are ready . . . → Read More: The Adepticon Space Wolf Army Project: Update 4

The Adepticon Space Wolf Army Project: Update 3

Assembly is complete. Just picked up the last figure I needed from Gamer’s Haven, my FLGS. Everything is primed. Now I’m going to try to paint all these guys and have them done and ready for the tabletop by Sunday night!!! Yikes! Gonna be putting my speedpainting techniques to the test. I’ll be posting progress . . . → Read More: The Adepticon Space Wolf Army Project: Update 3

The Adepticon Space Wolf Army Project: Update 2 – Battlefoam

Well True Believers, my Battlefoam got here yesterday. I’m happy to report that my calculations were correct and that the foam fit very neatly into one standard GW hardcase. It was such an elegant solution that I think I’m going to try something similar for my Grey Knight army, once I settle on a viable . . . → Read More: The Adepticon Space Wolf Army Project: Update 2 – Battlefoam

The Adepticon Space Wolf Army Project: The List

Okay, I’ve been seriously thrown off my schedule because I’ve been salivating at the prospect of new Grey Knights. But I must FOCUS! It is still the time of the Wolf (until April). Received a couple more of my MIA miniatures. I now have my Fenrisian Wolves, 1 Banner Bearer, and my Sergeants. 2 Banner . . . → Read More: The Adepticon Space Wolf Army Project: The List

The Adepticon Space Wolf Army Project: Update

Finally got all my bases in. I decided to go with ruin bases from SciborMiniatures.com because I thought they would suit the space wolves well. These bases look incredible and are festooned with all manner of details. I can’t wait to get my figs on them. Also, assembled the 3 Rhinos I’m going to using. . . . → Read More: The Adepticon Space Wolf Army Project: Update

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