By Mike, on March 12th, 2011% Well True Believers, my Battlefoam got here yesterday. I’m happy to report that my calculations were correct and that the foam fit very neatly into one standard GW hardcase. It was such an elegant solution that I think I’m going to try something similar for my Grey Knight army, once I settle on a viable . . . → Read More: The Adepticon Space Wolf Army Project: Update 2 – Battlefoam
By Mike, on March 10th, 2011% Okay, I’ve been seriously thrown off my schedule because I’ve been salivating at the prospect of new Grey Knights. But I must FOCUS! It is still the time of the Wolf (until April). Received a couple more of my MIA miniatures. I now have my Fenrisian Wolves, 1 Banner Bearer, and my Sergeants. 2 Banner . . . → Read More: The Adepticon Space Wolf Army Project: The List
By Mike, on March 4th, 2011% Finally got all my bases in. I decided to go with ruin bases from SciborMiniatures.com because I thought they would suit the space wolves well. These bases look incredible and are festooned with all manner of details. I can’t wait to get my figs on them. Also, assembled the 3 Rhinos I’m going to using. . . . → Read More: The Adepticon Space Wolf Army Project: Update
By Mike, on March 2nd, 2011%
Folks who know me will attest to how much I adore the new Space Wolves codex. I got very lucky near the start of 5th edition 40K. I had my regular space marines who were performing very well and I was having fun with. Alas, my Necrons were dead in the water as were . . . → Read More: The Adepticon Space Wolf Army Project: Background
By Mike, on March 2nd, 2011%
Recently, I was just finishing a Nurgle-themed Chaos Space Marine Army when I realized I wanted to base them in a different way than I normally do. I also wanted to try out a new product I had seen over at CoolMiniorNot.com. The ArmyPainter people, folks who already made great colored . . . → Read More: Item Review: ArmyPainter’s Ready-made static grass ‘tufts’
On the Tabletop. - Warhammer 40K dominates right now trying to get a new Space Wolf army done for Adepticon. Have about equal parts painted and not painted. Really hoping Grey Knights get an update in part 2 of Curse of the Wulfen.
- Looking forward to trying out the new Star Realms expansion.
- Also picked up Space Cadets: Dice Duel. Looks fun, but haven't had a chance to try it yet.