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A Portable Electronic Writing Solution for About $100.

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Using gaming resources to help your writing – Part 4 – Fate Core and Fate Accelerated RPG systems

A few months ago, I discovered the Fate Role-Playing Game (RPG) system. It made a pretty crazy impression on me and I think it gives the GURPS system (which I talk about here) a solid run for its money. GURPS still has the massive edge on source books and a lot of brainstorming tools, but . . . → Read More: Using gaming resources to help your writing – Part 4 – Fate Core and Fate Accelerated RPG systems

Truly Tiny Hardware Storage Solutions.

Friends, if you’ve followed this blog, then you already know that I’m kind of obsessed with backup and storage solutions. I have backups of my backups of my backups. I use MS Onedrive, GoogleDrive, Dropbox, Carbonite. I have two dedicated MyBook drives that I swap out every quarter. One is never at my house, just . . . → Read More: Truly Tiny Hardware Storage Solutions.

Product Review: MyGlowKeys

When I write, I like the room to be dark. I write dark. “Dark for dark business,” as dwarves like to say. I like it to be atmospheric with incense and candles and a lava lamp. I have blackout shades in the room and often the only light is coming from . . . → Read More: Product Review: MyGlowKeys

Item Review: Livescribe Echo Smart Pen

At last year’s Pikes Peak Writer’s Conference I was surprised by just how much new information came my way. It was like trying to cram a masters level course in one weekend. I wound up filling two legal pads full of notes. Notes which I foolishly promised that I would transcribe. . . . → Read More: Item Review: Livescribe Echo Smart Pen

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