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The Adepticon Space Wolf Army Project: Background

Folks who know me will attest to how much I adore the new Space Wolves codex. I got very lucky near the start of 5th edition 40K. I had my regular space marines who were performing very well and I was having fun with. Alas, my Necrons were dead in the water as were . . . → Read More: The Adepticon Space Wolf Army Project: Background

Item Review: ArmyPainter’s Ready-made static grass ‘tufts’

Recently, I was just finishing a Nurgle-themed Chaos Space Marine Army when I realized I wanted to base them in a different way than I normally do. I also wanted to try out a new product I had seen over at CoolMiniorNot.com. The ArmyPainter people, folks who already made great colored . . . → Read More: Item Review: ArmyPainter’s Ready-made static grass ‘tufts’

How to get really good results with Decals

A tutorial on how to get smooth “painted-on” results for applying decals to Warhammer 40K miniatures. . . . → Read More: How to get really good results with Decals

9 Principles of War and 40K: Surprise

Welcome back to week eight my friends. So far we’ve covered seven of the Nine Principles of War; the previous ones being Mass, Objective, Simplicity, Security, Maneuver, Offensive, and Unity of Command. This week brings us to the eighth principle, the Principle of Surprise.

Surprise: Strike the enemy in a . . . → Read More: 9 Principles of War and 40K: Surprise

9 Principles of War and 40K: Unity of Command

All right fellow gamers, we’ve made it to week 7. So far we’ve covered the Principles of Mass, Objective, Simplicity, Security, Maneuver, and Offensive. This brings us to Unity of Command, a Principle you might not think even applies to 40K, since most of the time there is only one commander per side. But let’s . . . → Read More: 9 Principles of War and 40K: Unity of Command

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