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Easy Steps to Make a Great Looking Display Board

Hey, Hobby Maniacs!

We all spend hours painting and modelling our armies only to risk models getting damaged when we’re trying to move them from table to table during tournaments or even between games at the FLGS. We can of course repack our armies in our transport cases after every game or . . . → Read More: Easy Steps to Make a Great Looking Display Board

15+ Tips for folks who want to airbrush miniatures.

This is the first part in a series on painting techniques that I use to paint miniatures. Obviously, everything that follows is my opinion and not objective fact.

1. A good starter airbrush is the Iwata Eclipse HP-CS. It is a good jack-of-all-trades starter brush and can do wonders in the . . . → Read More: 15+ Tips for folks who want to airbrush miniatures.

Pimp Your Monolith!

This tutorial will help a Monolith model builder add an electronic element that is sure to bring a lot of attention onto your Necron army. You will need some decent model making skills, but nothing above and beyond the normal skills you’d need when converting an average GW model. Rudimentary electronics . . . → Read More: Pimp Your Monolith!

Item Review: ArmyPainter’s Ready-made static grass ‘tufts’

Recently, I was just finishing a Nurgle-themed Chaos Space Marine Army when I realized I wanted to base them in a different way than I normally do. I also wanted to try out a new product I had seen over at CoolMiniorNot.com. The ArmyPainter people, folks who already made great colored . . . → Read More: Item Review: ArmyPainter’s Ready-made static grass ‘tufts’

How to get really good results with Decals

A tutorial on how to get smooth “painted-on” results for applying decals to Warhammer 40K miniatures. . . . → Read More: How to get really good results with Decals

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