500 words a day wordcount pledge

500 words a day challenge

10 Essential Books to Kickstart Your Commercial Writing Career

A friend of mine just started to get into fiction writing with an interest in writing commercial fiction professionally. He asked me for some feedback and advice so I wrote him a small dissertation. Now, I’m not a NYT Bestseller (yet), but I’ve won my share of awards and my debut novel, . . . → Read More: 10 Essential Books to Kickstart Your Commercial Writing Career


Not much happened this last month. Things were pretty quiet. Nah, just kidding. Things got kind of insane really quickly. I’m kind of working three jobs right now and it is madness. Let me ‘splain.

No. There is too much. Let me sum up.

First, I got to take in Alton Brown’s live show with . . . → Read More: February News – GRAVEYARD SHIFT SOLD!

Using gaming resources to help your writing. – PART 3 – Characteristic Checks and Success Rolls.

Okay, so in Part 2 we talked about how to use the GURPS advantages and disadvantages to help brainstorm traits for your characters. Now, we’re going to go one step beyond. This comes dangerously close to “playing” with GURPS, and be warned, you can take this completely way too far, and waste a lot of . . . → Read More: Using gaming resources to help your writing. – PART 3 – Characteristic Checks and Success Rolls.

Using gaming resources to help your writing. – PART 2 – Characters

Well here we are at part 2 and I promised that I’d talk about how to use GURPS to generate characters quickly. This is not going to be a full rehash of the GURPS character generation rules, (for one thing, we don’t need the full ruleset to help us with writing), . . . → Read More: Using gaming resources to help your writing. – PART 2 – Characters

Using gaming resources to help your writing. – PART 1: GURPS Sourcebooks

If you’ve been around me or even just casually glanced around the site, you can probably deduce that gaming is a large slice of my hobbies. It should therefore come as no surprise that it creeps into every other aspect of my life. Recently, I got into an interesting conversation with some friends . . . → Read More: Using gaming resources to help your writing. – PART 1: GURPS Sourcebooks

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