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Some Random Disjointed Thoughts Regarding “Prometheus” – Part 3

Okay, well the email conversation that inspired these posts is sort of winding down and so I begin what will probably be the last part of my ramblings on Ridley Scott’s “Prometheus”. I just want to re-iterate that I really liked the movie. Some of the things I’ll have to say below, might make it . . . → Read More: Some Random Disjointed Thoughts Regarding “Prometheus” – Part 3

Some Random Disjointed Thoughts Regarding “Prometheus” – Part 2

Yep – Still a lot of spoilers. Stay away until you’ve seen the film.

So yeah, in Part 1, I mentioned that watching “Prometheus” had gotten me to see James Cameron’s “Aliens” in a new light. Honestly, I should have seen this point of view for “Aliens” for a long time, and I’m kind of . . . → Read More: Some Random Disjointed Thoughts Regarding “Prometheus” – Part 2

Some Random Disjointed Thoughts Regarding “Prometheus” – Part 1

Obviously, Spoiler-heavy content. Don’t read if you haven’t seen the film.

For the record, I really liked Ridley Scott’s film “Prometheus”. That doesn’t mean the film isn’t rife with story problems and bad science, but that also doesn’t mean it wasn’t entertaining. A lot of the following thoughts originally came from . . . → Read More: Some Random Disjointed Thoughts Regarding “Prometheus” – Part 1

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