500 words a day wordcount pledge

500 words a day challenge

Word Clouds, a way to quickly catch someone’s eye?

So, what is a word cloud? A word cloud or word map is a type of weighted list where the more prominent something is, the larger it appears on the visual graphic. In this case, we’re talking about words. A site called Wordle makes it ridiculously easy to generate. Simply paste your text into the . . . → Read More: Word Clouds, a way to quickly catch someone’s eye?

“Grave Shift” Selected as Finalist for PPWC

My urban fantasy novel “Grave Shift” has been selected as a finalist for the Pikes Peak Writer’s Conference. I’m putting in some last minute revisions and polishing right now and will be pitching it during the conference to prospective agents and editors. I’m very excited! Simultaneously, work proceeds on the pseudo-prequel.

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