500 words a day wordcount pledge

500 words a day challenge

Using gaming resources to help your writing. – PART 2 – Characters

Well here we are at part 2 and I promised that I’d talk about how to use GURPS to generate characters quickly. This is not going to be a full rehash of the GURPS character generation rules, (for one thing, we don’t need the full ruleset to help us with writing), . . . → Read More: Using gaming resources to help your writing. – PART 2 – Characters

Gamer for Life

A friend recommended “Ready Player One” to me and I am loving it. Ernie Cline has written a very industry savvy novel here. YA with cross-over appeal? Check. Vaguely near-future sci-fi with elements of fantasy tossed in? Check. Future dystopia? Check. But where the book really shines is by summoning up all the nostalgia that . . . → Read More: Gamer for Life

The Ultimate Dice Bag for the Discerning Gamer

Like many other gamers, I like to personalize my gaming accessories. I like them to be mine and have some specific connection to the game. We gamers have our special dice, our “lucky” D20 that we use when something really matters in the game, or that overlarge novelty die that doubles . . . → Read More: The Ultimate Dice Bag for the Discerning Gamer

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