By Penny, on October 16th, 2014% The Chaquicocha campsite was protected by a half-bowl of worn down teeth, the other side spilling out into valley vistas with layered mountains stretching into the horizon. I had hoped to take some pictures by moonlight, but I was too “Newtonian” in my habits. Had the weather cooperated before I went to bed, I would . . . → Read More: Inca Trail to Machu Picchu – Day Three
On the Tabletop. - Warhammer 40K dominates right now trying to get a new Space Wolf army done for Adepticon. Have about equal parts painted and not painted. Really hoping Grey Knights get an update in part 2 of Curse of the Wulfen.
- Looking forward to trying out the new Star Realms expansion.
- Also picked up Space Cadets: Dice Duel. Looks fun, but haven't had a chance to try it yet.