By Mike, on September 18th, 2012% Whether I’m writing or painting miniatures or assembling models, I find that there’s never enough time to do everything that needs to get done, after all, the new Doctor Who episode isn’t going to watch itself right? Time management is a critical skill that all writers need to develop. We have so much of life . . . → Read More: Toggl: A valuable tool for Time Management.
By Mike, on August 2nd, 2012% Spoilers, probably best not to read if you haven’t played it. For the record, I liked it.
I adore Mass Effect. The universe BioWare built, the story, the characters. Everything about it, even the parts that are ripped off from other sci-fi that seemingly has exhausted every trope imaginable. . . . → Read More: Review: Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut
By Mike, on July 16th, 2012% So, what is a word cloud? A word cloud or word map is a type of weighted list where the more prominent something is, the larger it appears on the visual graphic. In this case, we’re talking about words. A site called Wordle makes it ridiculously easy to generate. Simply paste your text into the . . . → Read More: Word Clouds, a way to quickly catch someone’s eye?
By Mike, on February 20th, 2012%
At last year’s Pikes Peak Writer’s Conference I was surprised by just how much new information came my way. It was like trying to cram a masters level course in one weekend. I wound up filling two legal pads full of notes. Notes which I foolishly promised that I would transcribe. . . . → Read More: Item Review: Livescribe Echo Smart Pen
By Mike, on February 13th, 2012%
Okay, so I probably need to explain that title. If you write, you’re a writer. Period.
I’ve always believed that and I still do. It doesn’t matter if you’re published or not. Yet the layman, the non-writers, don’t really look at it that way. When I tell people that I’m a . . . → Read More: My first week as a “real” writer.
On the Tabletop. - Warhammer 40K dominates right now trying to get a new Space Wolf army done for Adepticon. Have about equal parts painted and not painted. Really hoping Grey Knights get an update in part 2 of Curse of the Wulfen.
- Looking forward to trying out the new Star Realms expansion.
- Also picked up Space Cadets: Dice Duel. Looks fun, but haven't had a chance to try it yet.