500 words a day wordcount pledge

500 words a day challenge

The Road to Adepticon 2012: 9 Days to go.

First off, ran into a headache when the basecoat I wanted to use was way too pale. It gave me nothing to work with as far as contrast went. So I remembered that GW had just launched their new line of paints and I went out and checked them . . . → Read More: The Road to Adepticon 2012: 9 Days to go.

The Road to Adepticon 2012: The 12 Days of Adepticon Prep.

So yeah, here I am again. 12 Days until I hit the road to go to Adepticon 2012. This year I’m participating in 3 major events, the Adepticon Championships, the Adepticon Team Tournament, and the Gladiator. I’ve decided to field 3 different armies. I’ll be running a Mordrak list of Grey Knights for the Championships, . . . → Read More: The Road to Adepticon 2012: The 12 Days of Adepticon Prep.

The Road to Adepticon 2012

Taking a break from writing prep for the next few days to get some much needed painting out of the way. You see, less than 30 days from now I will be in Chicago pitting the luck of my dice and strategic prowess on the tabletops of strife at . . . → Read More: The Road to Adepticon 2012

Pimp Your Monolith!

This tutorial will help a Monolith model builder add an electronic element that is sure to bring a lot of attention onto your Necron army. You will need some decent model making skills, but nothing above and beyond the normal skills you’d need when converting an average GW model. Rudimentary electronics . . . → Read More: Pimp Your Monolith!

The Ultimate Dice Bag for the Discerning Gamer

Like many other gamers, I like to personalize my gaming accessories. I like them to be mine and have some specific connection to the game. We gamers have our special dice, our “lucky” D20 that we use when something really matters in the game, or that overlarge novelty die that doubles . . . → Read More: The Ultimate Dice Bag for the Discerning Gamer

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