By Mike, on June 14th, 2012% Yep – Still a lot of spoilers. Stay away until you’ve seen the film.
So yeah, in Part 1, I mentioned that watching “Prometheus” had gotten me to see James Cameron’s “Aliens” in a new light. Honestly, I should have seen this point of view for “Aliens” for a long time, and I’m kind of . . . → Read More: Some Random Disjointed Thoughts Regarding “Prometheus” – Part 2
By Mike, on June 12th, 2012% Obviously, Spoiler-heavy content. Don’t read if you haven’t seen the film.
For the record, I really liked Ridley Scott’s film “Prometheus”. That doesn’t mean the film isn’t rife with story problems and bad science, but that also doesn’t mean it wasn’t entertaining. A lot of the following thoughts originally came from . . . → Read More: Some Random Disjointed Thoughts Regarding “Prometheus” – Part 1
By Mike, on April 25th, 2012% RIFE WITH SPOILERS!
Do NOT Read unless you’ve solved the game… or you know what? Read it. Honestly, I can’t ruin it anymore than Bioware already did.
WHERE THE . . . → Read More: How BioWare can re-animate Mass Effect after the third installment’s franchise killing ending.
By Mike, on May 24th, 2011%
Telling a story in modern times is really all about keeping promises. I am trying to make a living as a professional writer. My chosen medium for storytelling is the novel. I sometimes dabble in screenplays. When a prospective reader picks up my book, they might do so for any number . . . → Read More: Keeping Promises: reflecting on “LOST” one year later.
By Mike, on April 16th, 2011% Plot: An independent railroad executive struggles to save her company against a crumbling economy exacerbated by self-destructive bureaucrats.
Short, Sweet, and Spoiler-Free as always. In the interest of full disclosure, I have to tell you that I love Ayn Rand’s polarizing work “Atlas Shrugged”. I read it once a year since I first . . . → Read More: Movie Review: Atlas Shrugged: Part 1
On the Tabletop. - Warhammer 40K dominates right now trying to get a new Space Wolf army done for Adepticon. Have about equal parts painted and not painted. Really hoping Grey Knights get an update in part 2 of Curse of the Wulfen.
- Looking forward to trying out the new Star Realms expansion.
- Also picked up Space Cadets: Dice Duel. Looks fun, but haven't had a chance to try it yet.