The Adepticon Space Wolf Army Project: Update 6

Ugh.  Long day today.  But I met my goal except for basing.  Wasn’t able to get my guys based, because cleaning the bases and priming them took longer than I expected.   And I had to go back and do another highlight pass after I applied the wash to the miniatures and that took way longer than I expected (but the miniatures look better for it, so I don’t mind).

The bottom line is that  I didn’t get a chance to paint the bases at all.    I do have the army pretty much completed except for the detail work, but that’s where the devil is as they say.   I’m confident that over the next week and the week when I’m in Chicago, I’ll be able to get it done.   Still have to make a display board / finish the Battlefoam board though, since my snowy board will not work for the basing in this army.

Well here are the progress pictures.

Here are the Grey Hunters, Wolf Guard, and Long Fangs, finally assembled.

Here are my Thunderwolf Cavalry and my Fenrisian Wolves

And finally here is the entire army on the table.


Now I have to finish all the details, pelts, Wolf Tooth Necklaces, Wolf Tails, decals,  teeth, eyes, etc… So I probably will not post up progress pix until I can take some ‘glamour’ shots of the finished miniatures.

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