The Adepticon Space Wolf Army Project: Update 5

Running a little behind right now, gonna take a break and have a nap and maybe play some video games.   Finding the right combination of colors for the infantry proved a little harder than I thought.   I wound up adding some Skull White to the Space Wolves Grey in order to make the highlight color ‘pop’ a little more.   For the red shoulder pads, I wound up using Red Gore as a base, then once that was dry, hit them with white where I wanted the highlights to be, then hit them with Blood Red over the Skull White.  Decently happy with the results.

But as I said, I’m running a little behind, so we’ll see if I’m able to get all the guys based right now.   After unpacking my bases, they are soaking in a bath of Simple Green and water to make sure there is no mold release left on them.    But they’ll have to be washed off and primed before I can paint them up and do the basing.    Don’t know if I’ll get to that today.

I also forgot to clearcoat the yellow shoulderpads yesterday to prep them for decals, so that will have to be done today, which will delay final assembly for a bit.  (FYI, the yellow pads were done by painting them Tausept Ochre, then washing them with Devlan Mud, then highlighting with Golden Yellow.  I almost went up to Sunburst Yellow but I didn’t like the final look.)

I think I will easily reach my goal of having the whole army to a good tabletop level and better than 3 color minimum by the end of today.

Today, other than final assembly of the Grey Hunters and Wolf Guard, I still have to paint up the Thunderwolf Cavalry and Fenrisian Wolves.   Also, forgot that I was going to paint the backpacks of the Grey Hunters and the Wolf Guard differently than the figure.  Their backpacks are going to be dark gray fading up to fortress gray.    I should be able to get that completed, then I can start working on details.   One other thing that distracted me is that I got caught up doing Stage 2 weathering and detail work on the Rhinos (It’s just so much fun!).   I shouldn’t have wasted time on that.   But the Rhino is starting to look really good.   This one still has a lot of detail work to go into it, and then Stage 3 weathering.

That’s all for now!

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