The Road to Adepticon 2012

Taking a break from writing prep for the next few days to get some much needed painting out of the way.  You see, less than 30 days from now I will be in Chicago pitting the luck of my dice and strategic prowess on the tabletops of strife at Adepticon 2012.  And just like every other year, I’m not ready.

You see, every year, I tell myself, I have plenty of armies, I can just pack them up and head out stress-free to a grand vacation of Portillo’s Italian Beef sandwiches, Giordanno’s Pizza, and Adepticon Warhammer 40K.  But strangely, this never happens.   A new Army Codex will come out right before the con and I’ll decide to field that army, which means painting up an entirely new force, or I want to paint things to a whole new level to exploit a technique I just discovered or refined (as was the case last year).  The bottom line is that every year, I wind up painting and prepping right up until the day I road trip out from the Springs to Chi-town.  This year is no different.   The main culprit, Forgeworld’s Imperial Armor 2nd Edition and the Adepticon Gladiator Tourney which allows the new units.

So I bought some of the new Forgeworld models and I want to try them out at the Gladiator (which is a no-holds barred slugfest of a tourney).  So far, I’ve always participated in the Gladiator, but I’ve never brought any of the Forgeworld units.  This year, with Imperial Armor 2nd edition introducing units which were ‘balanced’ with regular games of Warhammer 40K in mind, I’m taking the leap.  I’ll most likely be fielding Space Wolves, though I’m going to keep the exact nature of the list to myself , so that if I don’t get it finished, there’s no harm.  (Last year, I got left with a bit of egg on my face when I failed to finish my SW army to my satisfaction in time.  I still played the same list, just used older, not-as-nice looking models.)

This year, I’ve set up a full plate for myself at the Con.  Friday, I’ll be playing in the Championships (playing Grey Knights or Space Wolves).  Saturday, I’ll be fielding Necrons in the Team Tournament, and Sunday, if I have any energy left and if I get finished, I’ll be running Space Wolves in the Gladiator.   Over the next 30 days or so, I’ll be running some quick features about my armies, progress pix, etc.   But once again, I’ve got to paint a whole new force right before the con.  Will I never learn?  Or is that all part of the fun?

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