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If what I've skimmed across here has given you even the smallest inkling of a spark of interest, then you owe it to yourself to look deeper.  These are some of the books that I have read (or am reading) to help myself in my quest towards a deeper understanding of The Story.  This list is by no means definitive, if you run into something appropriate not mentioned here, let me know, I'm just starting this journey too.

These are in no particular order.  Here's my list so far:



The Hero With A Thousand Faces

Joseph Campbell

The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Storytellers and Screenwriters

Christopher Vogler

Dramatica: A New Theory of Story

(go here for an online version of the book)

Melanie Anne Philips & Chris Huntley

The Essential Jung

C.G. Jung selected writings chosen by Anthony Storr

Star Wars: The Magic of Myth

(companion to the National Air and Space Museum exhibition)

Mary Henderson

A Joseph Campbell Companion: Reflections on the Art of Living

Joseph Campbell selected writings chosen by Diane K. Osbon

The Power of Myth

(Also available on VHS and DVD)

Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers

The Mythic Image

Joseph Campbell

Hamlet's Mill: An Essay Investigating the Origins of Human Knowledge and Its Transmission Through Myth

George De Santillana


Hertha Von Dechend

Tolkien's Ring

David Day

"On Fairy Stories"

J.R.R. Tolkien